Østergaard, A., & Østergaard, P. (2020). Teampsykologi: Adfærd, roller og discipliner (5. udg.) (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2019), TeamKey. I Vestergaard & Andreasen (Red.), PBL og Entreprenørskab (pp. 22-23), Aalborg Universitet. (Hent pdf)

Vestergaard, J. (red.), Andreasen, M. B. (red.), Strand, A. M. C., Thorsted, A. C., Østergaard, A., Bak-Jensen, B., Lund, B., Gertsen, F., Aaen, I., Christensen, J. L., & Vistisen, P. (2019), PBL og Entreprenørskab: Sammenkobling og udvikling af begreber og praksis, der fremmer entreprenante kompetencer på tværs af AAU. Aalborg Universitet. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2019), The beneficial differentiation within entrepreneurship of self-employed, business owner and entrepreneur. Industry and Higher Education, 31(1), 18-29. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A., Santos, S. C., & Costa, S. F. (2018). Psychological Perspective on Entrepreneurship. In R. V. Turcan & N. M. Fraser (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (pp. 7-41). Palgrave Macmillan. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A., & Marinova, S. T. (2018), Human Capital in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 35(3), 371-390. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2018, June), Desirable changes of behavior in teams: A study of the app TeamKey and the importance of self-management [Paper presentation]. The 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Montreal, Canada

Østergaard, A. (2017, November), The Beneficial Differentiation between Self-Employed, Business Owner and Entrepreneur [Paper presentation]. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Belfast, Ireland. 

Østergaard, A. (2017, October), Innovation versus leadership in Entrepreneurship [Paper presentation]. The 15th Globelics International Conference, Athen, Greece. 

Østergaard, A. (2017, July), The Entrepreneurial Action-Characteristics Model [Paper presentation]. European University Network on Entrepreneurship (ESU) Conference, Lüneburg, Germany. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2017, June), Innovation versus Leadership in Entrepreneurial Growth [Paper presentation]. DRUID Society Conference 2017, New York, US. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2017), Entrepreneurial Personalities – A study of personality traits and leadership preferences of entrepreneurs. Aalborg University Press. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2016), Entrepreneurship Faculty Workshop at AAU. Rapport. (Hent pdf)

Bacigalupo, M., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y., Van den Brande, G. (2016). EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2016, July), Highlighting the human capital [Paper presentation]. The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) 16th Schumpeter conference, Montreal, Canada.

Østergaard, A., & Østergaard, P. (2016), Mål: 12 – Eksamenspsykologi ved mundtlig eksamen (2.udg.), Forlag1.DK. (Køb bogen)

Østergaard, A. (2016, January), The entrepreneurial leader in the intersection of entrepreneurship and leadership [Paper presentation]. DRUID Academy Conference 2016, Bordeaux, France. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A., & Østergaard, P. (2015), Mål: 12 - ved projekteksamen, Forlag1.DK.

Østergaard, A. (2014d), Entreprenant Ledelsestalent - en empirisk undersøgelse af nøglefaktorer. Rapport udgivet af Nupark Holstebro. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2014c, June), Entrepreneurial Talent Development – an investigation for key factors [Paper presentation, p. 765]. International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World conference on Entrepreneurship, Dublin, Ireland. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2014b, June), The challenges of measuring the entrepreneurial personality? A methodological approach [Paper presentation]. DRUID Society Conference 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2014a, June), Entrepreneurial Leadership Talent Development – an investigation for key factors [Paper presentation]. DRUID Society Conference 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2013, July), The Earth is not flat. We know that. Do we know the Entrepreneurial Personality? [Poster presentation]. The 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Stockholm, Sweden. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2005), Personlighed til succes, Psykolog Nyt, 7, 8-15.  (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (2004), Psykologisk set: Krise er udvikling, Psykologi.   

Østergaard, A. (2003), Succesmagerne – ni veje til succes, Børsens Forlag. (Hent pdf)

Østergaard, A. (1999), To be a survivor – kan det læres? Skolen i morgen, 6, 14-15.  

Østergaard, A. (1993), Kreativitet – er det mon bare dovenskab? Viborg Amt, Forebyggelsesrådet: Netværk, 2, 12.